Monday, January 26, 2015

So Long

Tampa Bay Damage is no more. At least it's no longer a competitive paintball team. Everything else Damage was lives on. The successes and failures. The good and bad times shared. The friends, the family, the camaraderie. Everyone who was a part of making Damage the team it was remains. Along with the memories of all the moments that were team Damage. Like it or not the nature of things is transitory. For every beginning there is an ending. It was a great ride while it lasted.  


Anonymous said...

Until teams begin to care about sustainability this sport will never take off the way the current crop of professionals want ^_^

Unknown said...

It will never take off in it's current form. Sustainability is pointless as long as someone else is willing to pay to win (there will always be that guy).

Anonymous said...

Never say die!

Reiner Schafer said...

Good PR for Damage.

Almost as good as Coca Cola changing their original formula and then changing back again to the Real Thing. (some of you youngins might not remember that but it worked out great for them)

John Adam said...

What is the best brand of paintball guns to buy?
Best Tippmann Paintball Gun Reviews