Friday, April 2, 2010

On Negativity

Every so often I'm told how terrific VFTD is but how much better it could be if I could be less negative. Sometimes they leave out the terrific part. While I have no problem at all with reader critiques--in fact I practically used to beg you lazy slackers to post something, anything--I think there's a basic misunderstanding at the root of that particular criticism. Or, you know, I could be wrong. (I say that in order to appear reasonable and even-handed but we both know I'm not. Wrong, that is.)

I will concede one thing: if VFTD was among the leading paintball sites online and lots of everyday paintballers got their info here I'd consider moderating my tone on occasion. However, that isn't VFTD and it's never going to be VFTD. I'm interested in competitive paintball and that's what this blog is about. (Including, occasionally, how industry and the broader paintball landscape impact competitive paintball.) And, as we are regularly reminded tourney ballers are a tiny fraction of all paintballers--ergo VFTD is highly unlikely to be unduly bringing ballers down. (Whoa, buzzkill alert.)

What I won't concede is the commonplace notion I like to call the Theory of Happy Face Paintball. You know, the feeling that if only everyone would be positive and say positive things why, pretty soon, things would turn around and really be positive. Which is fine. And to an extent, a superficial and transitory extent, it might even appear to work but what it really does is offer cover for the weasels, incompetents and the rest who are just plain mistaken. I will concede it doesn't make sense to swamp newbies with the minutiae or politics of the game and it's possible a few have dropped by and been psychologically damaged but hey, that's the internet for you. If you can find VFTD I assume you're capable of being responsible for yourself. (Yeah, that's kinda self-serving but it's not like I spend any time promoting the site.)

The fact is Happy Face Paintball never got anything accomplished. It never got a promoter to at least pretend to act responsibly and consider the players. It never pushed anybody to get serious about officiating or rules. Happy Face Paintball never held anybody accountable or told the average player what's really going on. It never started a dialogue or made anybody think. As one-sided as things may sometimes seem paintball remains in its infancy and there is a real opportunity to be a part of the game's growth and maturation.

Finally, I will confess a certain fondness for sarcasm and ridicule. But I see that as more a matter of humor than negativity. Perhaps negative humor but humor nonetheless. You might disagree. But it can be more than that, too. For example, I mock the MS in part because they've proven to be unresponsive to much of anything else but it's hard to ignore when you are relentlessly made fun of. (Even by a little old blog.) Besides, it's fun. And easy. And there's a nearly endless supply of material.

Not exactly a defense, I know, more of an explanation. And in case you were wondering if this means VFTD will make any effort to mollify the critics or reach out to the mob--that would be y'all--the answer is no. Embrace the negativity. Come over to the darkside.


Reiner Schafer said...

I for one love reading about the dark side. That's why I come here. ;-)

I agree with you about Happy Face Paintball as well. Paintball is what it is. There is no point pretending it's something it's not. Having said that...there is no point in purposely making paintball a negative thing. We all live within a society. In general, the citizens of that society should be civil to one another. We shouldn't be trying to hurt each other just for the sake of hurting each other. We also shouldn't be purposely picking on hte disadvantaged (newbies with less experience).

Overall. I'd suggest to keep doing what you are doing. People are dropping by eve though you are not self promoting. That must mean you are doing something right.

Hippo said...

I visit this blog on a daily basis...the only time I'm disappointed in the least is when I get here and see nothing new posted (which is rare). Even then, I get a kick out of reading the comments.

If I EVER come here and read some happy-happy, joy-joy crap, I'm out. It's good to hear that's not coming in the foreseeable future.

This is the real deal, in my opinion. I verbally suggest this site to every paintballer I come get some inside info from Mr. C, learn a thing or two about upcoming field layouts from one of the most educated coaches on the scene, and
reading your opinions (and other's) on ways to improve certain leagues (or pointing out the shortcomings of various leagues' management).

Thanks for doing what you do!

Baca Loco said...

You like me you really like me

Carter McFarland said...

you are 100% right and i totally agree with you. I love the dark side!

Mack said...

Ahh! Just keep on doing your thing! Both me and a lot of friends go in here every day hoping there is a new post! The great thing is... There almost always is!

Big Negative Bullets said...

You know, even bothering to explain or justify your position is evidence of cracks in the armor. Not to be negative or anything, but I'd consider it to be a positive step in the right direction if you'd just STFU about whether people understand what you're doing or not, STFU about whether some idiots might misunderstand what you're trying to do and get back to writing good, solid, funny negative stuff!

Don Saavedra said...

"Happy Face Paintball." You just gave me an idea that will have Alan Moore suing me.

mick said...

You take care of the tournament side (maniacal laughter) and I'll take care of the rec ball side. I'm not called the "mean and grumpy" field owner for nothing. Good job, Baca.

Reiner Schafer said...

Mick, as long as you are mean, grumpy, and fair. Unless I don't read well between the lines, you are one of the most positive people I know. (Mick, not Baca) ;-)

houdini said...

If this had been a 'happy face' paintball blog I certainly wouldn't have bookmarked it to come back for my daily dose of paintball sanity. The pot is stirred just enough to cause debate, there's a fair pinch of dry humor which is much appreciated and for those that can read, always enlightening information...

anonachris said...

Your blog holds up a mirror to the industry. If they have a problem with tht, tell them to put on some more makeup.

Missy Q said...

I also add my own wholly positive happy joy-joy endorsement of VFTD.
I mainly just come here to read my own comments over and over, and then to laugh at how witty they are. It never gets old for me.

anonachris said...

Well Missy, since I also come to read your witty posts, why not start your own blog then called Missy's Q-spot. You'll probably get a lot of quality visitors coming in from search engines.

Baca Loco said...

That one made me laugh out loud 'cus I knoe it's true.

Big Negative Bullets
Fortunately what you'd consider a positive step is completely irrelevant. Btw, you're stepping on a-chris's usual schtick.

Baca Loco said...

The rest of y'all are so positive about the negative it's giving me the urge to be nice just to piss you off.