Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Burning Question

How many fields have created a player database using their waiver forms?


sdawg said...

Wow, this seems like such a no-brainer. Why doesn't my local field have a facebook page? Even my local hardware store has one to tell me when they are having a sale on powertools or whatever.

Anonymous said...

We have both a facebook, twitter, blog, flickr, and myspace.

But to answer the burning question, yes, we keep a database of all our customers who've signed waivers.

Chris said...

We do. We collect everything on the waiver, as well as information about the type of game (walk-on, private game, etc), purchases, and whether or not they rented any equipment. We also collect email addresses.

Baca Loco said...

I hope most fields are doing at least that these days but from past experience I had to wonder--which is why I asked the question. ;)

Martin said...

We do. We're doing a RFM model with address overlay as well :)

But the way I understand it is that over 50% of field in NZ are not.

Mick said...


houdini said...

Is this a burning question or actually pointing out to many the embarrassing fact that they lack marketing skills?

Oh by the way, speaking of marketing congrats to VFTD for getting a special mention in the Splat Awards in the Best Paintball Website category. I know it's probably something you wouldn't want to jump up and down about and set off fireworks for but it's satisfying to know that a few credit your contributions to paintball...

Baca Loco said...

Ok, you got me, less a BQ than a way to highlight an issue perhaps.

As to the other biz, first I've heard of it, thanks.

franktankerous said...

For the fields that do collect this information. How much of it is actually being well utilized. Everyone seems to have some kind of collection of data, but how are you, if you are, using it to your advantage?

Changing the wording of your wavers could save regulars the trouble of having to fill one out every week. I don't see much of that happening at all.

Missy Q said...

an established field can operate all their marketing purely through their waivers, if they are on top of their shxt.