Sunday, October 13, 2013

Get Your Game On

(PSP) World Cup is nearly here. This time next week the Champions field will be hosting the final pairings as the divisional titles lead at last to the Champions Pro final. At every step along the way, before each and every match, at every level of competition teams get ready to play in unique and sometimes unusual ways. Players have routines, rituals and habits they perform in order to get ready to compete--and so do teams. In honor of the biggest event of the year VFTD wants to know what you and/or your team do to get ready to compete. From the banal to the bizarre everybody has their own way to prepare. What's yours?


Anonymous said...

Sleep with a teammates wife.

Anonymous said...

sleep with that guys wife ↑

Baca Loco said...

Hey, I had no idea, er, ________, was getting the old team back together. You guys playing 10-man?

Ken said...

Sitting at the gate and just realized I forgot my lucky socks.