Thursday, October 16, 2014

Vicious Pulls Plug

Does that sound a little callous? It wasn't my intention but naming this post proved problematic. Vicious calls it quits or just Vicious quits isn't any better. Or Vicious to disband or Vicious goes kaput. See, it ain't as easy as it might seems to hit the right note for a post about competitive paintball losing another top team--and whatever you may have thought of Vicious they were a top team. And love them or hate them their loss takes something away from the game for all of us. Every loss reminds us how fragile the game really is and how much remains to be done before the game can stand on its own. And this time is no different. For all we might wish the sport was less transitory and more enduring Vicious will be remembered by friend and foe alike as it takes its rightful place in the history of our game. 

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