Friday, June 11, 2010

Commemerating the first paintball game ever played

The Big Bullet crew recently found themselves lost in New Hampshire and decided as long as they were there they might as well look around for the site of the first paintball game ever played. (New Hampshire, who knew?) It proved to be a wee bit more difficult than Mapquest and you can read all about it in a 5-part series. (Yes, it includes pictures as well.) It's an interesting read which is likely to surprise more than a few of today's ballers to see how far the game has come in just 30 years.

But it's more than that. Along the way they also discovered that it's possible we can have the state place an historic commemorative marker on the roadside near the site of that first game--like the photo mock-up. That's right, we can. The paintball community. If it's something you want to be a part of go here for more information. Or, if you're too much the lazy slacker but want to contribute go here to donate. You can even be a Facebook friend and keep track of the progress being made by going here.


anonachris said...

It's not far from where the pilgrims first feasted. Coincidence? I think not...

Baca Loco said...

How do I ban an I.P?

ifeast4free said...
