Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ghost Town

Just took a look at paid registration for the NPPL San Diego Commander's Cup season finale and it ain't a pretty sight. Only 85 teams paid as of this evening with about twice that registered with only 3 more days until registration closes. I wonder what impact the Houston cancellation is having as well as the state of the Cali economy. We'll have some idea how soft the market is getting on the strength of the last minute entries paid from the registrants pool. Not looking good.
If you want to participate in a positive way and can't play make sure you check out the free webcast of the event from nppl live and show some support.

UPDATE: Friday 3:00pm EST and registered paid is up to 103. 12 hours to go.


Anonymous said...

Registrations for both leagues this year have been ESPECIALLY last-second, and NPPL/XPSL has been taking teams past the deadline as well.

Total attendance will end up somewhere around 140-150 teams, and there were 148ish teams last year, so they're actually doing pretty good considering how off the rest of the events have been this year.

Although with the discount programs a lot of those teams aren't paying full price either.

Anonymous said...

Seems to be a trend with a lot of events this year. The economy affects everything!

Anonymous said...

Apparently I was quite a bit off - currently 95 teams paid and only 115 still on the team list (not counting 5-man, but that only nets another 18 paid and 25 on the list)

It doesn't look like San Diego is going to even break 1,000 players. That's actually a bit scary.