Monday, December 8, 2008

Quote of the Day

In the endless war against internet boredom VFTD is inaugurating a new regular feature. In the future feel free to send in your own nominations.

VFTD Quote of the Day: "Frankly I'd rather play real Xball with autocockers & automags than the watered down gruel of a game called Xball Lite." (Quoting, of course, yours truly.)


Anonymous said...

I think we'd all like to play full X-Ball matches.

It's just none of us want to pay for it.

Baca Loco said...

Seems to me simply playing with true semi-auto markers would solve a lot of the problems all these other changes are being promoted as solving.

Baca Loco said...

Without repeated and wholesale changes to the New Universal Standard--and, as usual, you are missing the point.

Anonymous said...

Can anybody even buy true semi-auto markers anymore? I suppose AGD still sells some...

Anonymous said...

Semi-Auto is not an option unless you go full-mechanical or readable-software boards.

Life Behind Lenses said...

if it would happen you could count me in, I have a bitchin micromag waiting for some time on the field again

BobCat said...

I love my Mag but we don't need to take a step back to enjoy the game we love. Besides PE sold us all E-blades.
raehl's point about true semi markers is dead on. To many kids think that shooting fast is a talent and it makes me giggle. (no not like a school girl) I am not getting started on "added shots" and bounce because I feel like its a truth everyone avoids.

Anonymous said...

whats xball lite?

Baca Loco said...

Xball Lite is the variant played by PSP D2/D3 and the MS' CPL. A race to 5 points within a set period of time. It seems less "lite" than it used to as xball has been shrinking in scale of late.